Tuesday 15 March 2016

The Mindset / Cognition of a Side Chick

Joro Olumofin

There has been a lot of stories going round on social media showing the audacity and courage of mistresses / SideChicks to directly attack wives or fiancĂ©es of their "so called" man. Aside from the personality of some Side Chicks to be naturally belligerent, I believe the Husbands or Boyfriends in this "situation" play a major role in giving their Side Chick the power or will to attack their wife. 

Some men in this situation share every detail and flaw of their wife with their mistress and even compare their wife with the Side Chick or make insinuations, scenarios with the mistress; you're a better cook than my wife, if I had met you 2 years ago I would have married you, my children seem happier around you than with my wife, if you got pregnant for me now I'd keep it, my wife is so boring in bed I wish she could learn from you, I'd rather spend my birthday with u than my wife, Some men  even buy their wife and mistress the same shoe, perfume or clothes. 

I even heard of Side Chick who intentionally left her underwear behind with a note so the wife could find it. All these acts made by a Husband or a boyfriend to his Side Chick can be seen as a (Cognitive) seed being planted in the mind of a Side Chick. She (Side Chick) starts seeing herself as a better wife, cook, mother than the Wife therefore leading to string of antics and disrespectful gestures. Every mistress always asks their "Man" if you love your wife why are you with me? Most times the response given is degrading to the wife which gives the SideChick a level of confidence to carry out her master plan. Most men in this situation would say anything to make their mistress happy even if they don't mean it. 

What they don't know is they are creating and building an extra room for their mistress in their marital home. Being a SideChick used to be a thing of shame or disgrace in the old days but now some ladies carry the title like a trophy or an award.

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